Tuesday June 19, 2012 Thank you for making the 2012 HogJog a huge success! In spite of the intense heat and humidity that gripped Southern Ontario this week, turnout for the 7th annual Hog Jog Pork was outstanding.
The Hog Jog, held June 19 at the Ontario Pork Congress in Stratford was a huge success raising $40,000 for ONE CARE – Meals on wheels program. Funds raised will be used specifically to purchase ovens to help expand their hot meal program. This contribution will be made in memory of Ruth Schuler. Ruth and her husband Fred established Schuler Farms outside of Stratford after emigrating from Switzerland 27 years ago. The Schuler’s became major stakeholders in the hog industry, mentors for many and a very respected name. Fred and Ruth have raised four great sons, who have become part of the family farms. In addition to working on the farm, Ruth was a giving, community minded individual who volunteered endless hours of her time. One of her many causes was the Meals on Wheels program, delivering warm meals along with her warm smile and enthusiasm for life. Ruth passed away this past spring after a short illness.
A record 435 registered participants ran or walked the 3.5k and 10k routes. An additional 44 runners aged 6 and under participated in the 500 meter Weaner run. The fastest 10k female and male runners were Beth Chaput and Brent Meidinger of Stratford. The fastest 3.5k female and male runners were Kirsten deJong of St. Marys and Michael Vivian of Lucan.
Participants and volunteers gathered post race for a pork meal, sponsored by Conestoga Meats. Cash prizes were awarded to the top place finishers as well as individual fund raisers. Team Wallenswine, from Wallenstein Feed are recognized as the top team fund raiser brining in over $13,000.